Lottery winners do not tend to manage money properly. Despite the fact that spending tens of millions of dollars or pounds is extremely difficult, they still find a way. 

If most people were given tens of millions, they would have no idea what to do with it. Although everybody tacitly desires wealth, we are only really equipped to imagine a few moderate goals. Be it a two weeklong holiday or an expensive car.  

Now compare this to the internet. The internet is an ocean of information. It is more accessible than any resource available to us in history. The last 30 years of human existence are akin to winning a lottery of information. And yet it is rarely disputed that our general knowledge is declining fast. 

Those who are not made to be wealthy commonly shed their lottery winnings and go back to their former state. In the same way, in an endless ocean of information, many will merely paddle at the edges. Or worse, they will use the internet to burn their time and lives away on nothing.

The availability of a resource means nothing unless you use it properly. For this reason, we must not be afraid to dive in head first in the pursuit of knowledge. But further, we must question whether our usage of this resource is intentional, or empty.

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